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Communication and Connection

COVID-19 is impacting every facet of our lives – working from home, 24/7 family interaction, and rigid hygiene practices. While we may be connecting on a deeper level with our families, is the current environment detrimental to our social and public connections? Our answer in a word – NO!

Shifting landscapes provide the perfect opportunity for building new habits. Reach out and shape new connections, nurture and develop current connections, communicate with the world and discover the many ways that are available to us – both on personal and professional levels.

Technology – Many of us have been connecting through video chats, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Facetime and Facebook Video Chat. This provides the advantage of seeing the people we are talking with, albeit via a screen. But what if you have an older computer without a camera? Try using WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger to talk with multiple people in a group. Do you remember when you didn’t have a smartphone? Today is the day to pick up the phone and dial a number! Or send a text message if that is more to your liking. It is vitally important to stay connected. One phone call, one message, could impact someone’s whole day – even your own!

Emails and Newsletters
Emails and Newsletters – reach out to all your customers and let them know you are still there! Whether it is a personalised email or providing fortnightly newsletters, let your clients know how your business is supporting them through this changing environment and business economy.

Write a Letter
Write a letter – who didn’t have a PenPal when they were younger? Perhaps it is time to reintroduce this concept. Send a letter to a friend you haven’t spoken with in awhile or try a letter-drop in your neighbourhood reaching out to your neighbours! If you manage a business, a personal letter to your customers will reinforce your commitment to building strong relationships.

The act of giving and receiving nothing in return is the greatest gift each of us can give. Now is the perfect time for you and your business to consider what gifts you can share – and how these can make a world of difference. If you own a restaurant, perhaps you waive delivery fees for your local area or share a video about how to cook one of your famous recipes. If you are a mechanic, you could create a video on how to change a tyre or change your oil. If you are a Personal Trainer, you could share your top tips for working out with improvised equipment you have at home…

What strengths do you and your business have that could be shared in the spirit of giving? What are you doing to connect with people? As well as running our Marketing Company, I am a passionate painter. So, how am I giving back to our community? I am running free Zoom art classes, connecting with people and providing them, as well as myself, a much-needed social connection and creative outlet. These classes keep me in front of a growing audience, help humanise our brand and keep my glass very, very full. Teaching art is my HEARTwork.

Communication is connecting. Authenticity and being available will increase the impact of your engagement. We are all human. Reach out for help or to help others. Together we will create and forge a new direction for the future.

Maureen Barten Consulting can help with all your communication needs. We create impact and establish the groundwork for building sustainable relationships. Let’s connect!

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