Key Messaging & Branding
Branding, whether for a business or a personal endeavour, serves to communicate a broad range of messages to your target audience, both internal and external to the organisation. Strong branding delivers a clear message; establishes credibility; creates emotional connection; motivates engagement and engenders loyalty. It is also an important intangible asset of your business and adds value to your bottom line.
Working closely with our clients, we ensure:
- Development of clear, emotionally engaging, credible branding
- Communication of fundamental values
- Consistency of branding across all platforms
Key Messaging & Branding Projects

Melbourne Food Experiences specialise in creating customised, luxury dining experiences and tours with the industry experts who make Melbourne the best food city in Australia. Maureen Barten Consulting was engaged to create Key Messaging and continues working with MFE to strengthen and support the brand and all of its products. Maureen Barten Consulting developed an extensive workbook of Key Messaging statements that have become the point of reference for all communications and marketing activities including social media and SEO. We are very proud that our work provides the foundation for MFE's communication and marketing activities and are privileged to work this great organisation.
Services Provided- Key Messaging / Brand Management
- Copy Editing
- Consulting
- On-going Retainer Marketing

Hadassah Australia connects the Australian community to innovative research, treatment and healing at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, to promote a world of better health and humanity. Maureen Barten Consulting works with Hadassah developing brand identities and campaign collateral for their ongoing fundraising work. Maureen Barten Consulting creates direct mail, donor specific presentations, crowd-funding campaigns, and all of the communication and marketing collateral supporting these important events. We are extremely proud of the work we do with Hadassah in building a healthier world for all and welcome continued collaboration with this dynamic and passionate organisation.
Services Provided- Campaign Management
- Logo Development / Brand Management
- Collateral Development / Graphic Design
- Event Management
- On-going Project Work

Spark of Life is Hadassah's campaign in response to the growing gap between demand and supply, for trauma treatment in Jerusalem. Maureen Barten Consulting developed the branding and provided CMO services across the roll out of this crowd funding event. Maureen Barten Consulting created logo, key messaging, all collateral, direct mail, edm, sms, direction for videography, oversight of various website and page development, social media management and on the day support. We are extremely proud of the work we did on this campaign raising well over $500,000.
Services Provided- Chief Marketing Officer
- Strategic Planning
- Campaign Management
- Logo Development / Brand Management
- Collateral Development / Graphic Design
- Video Direction
- Website Direction

AUSiMED is a not-for-profit organisation facilitating and financially supporting medical research that benefits Australia, Israel and the world. Maureen Barten Consulting was engaged to provide CMO services across the gentle facelift of the brand; development of corporate brochure; a new website, and execution of crowd-funding event. Maureen Barten Consulting updated the brand including key messaging, fonts and graphic styles. MBC wrote the brief and provided hands-on editing of the new website. We also created the branding and all collateral for the crowd-funding event. We are privileged to work with this organisation in continuing to support medical research through various activities including ongoing newsletter management.
Services Provided- Chief Marketing Officer Key
- Messaging / Style Guide
- Logo Development / Brand Management
- Collateral Development / Graphic Design
- Video Direction
- Website Direction
- Newsletters

Everything Data creates exquisite customer experiences delivering intelligent business solutions that inform and empower businesses and organisations. The new enterprise delivers useable information across linked technologies, maximising opportunities for growth. Maureen Barten Consulting was engaged by the start-up company to provide communications and marketing expertise. Maureen Barten Consulting created Key Messaging, Branding and a Style Guide to support the activites of Everything Data. We are very pleased with the results of our work and the positive impact it has made for our client's roll out.
Services Provided- Key Messaging / Style Guide
- Logo Development / Brand Management
- Collateral Development / Graphic Design

MJV Plumbing Services is a local, Australian owned plumbing company who pride themselves on their superior quality and workmanship. Mauree Barten Consulting was engaged to rebrand the company and build corporate collateral. Maureen Barten Consulting created a modern and bold logo reflecting the energy of the company and its team. Supporting this, a Style Guide including business suite were created. We love working with young and creative companies and look forward to continued work with MJV Plumbing.